Minor 7th Arpeggios

Minor 7th Arpeggios

Lead Guitar

Let’s learn two shapes for minor 7th arpeggios. If you already know your basic E and A minor shaped arpeggios you are one step ahead. All you have to do is add the minor 7th degree to those shapes. We have given you the TAB and arpeggio diagrams for each shape. I will walk you through the E minor shape and let you check out the TAB and chord diagram for the A minor shape. Be careful, the picking on these arpeggios can feel a bit strange at first. Picking these minor 7th arpeggios kind of feels like a cross between sweep-picking a regular minor arpeggio and picking a regular pentatonic scale. It may take a while to get used to this but your hard work will triumph. Remember that the picking patterns presented in the TAB are just suggestions, not rules.

For the first shape we will be using an E minor arpeggio shape but we will actually be playing an A minor 7 arpeggio. Check out the A minor 7 arpeggio diagram. Play the following notes in sequence: 5th fret of 6th string with your 1st finger using a downstroke, 8th fret of the 6th string with your 4th finger using an upstroke, 7th fret of the 5th string with your 3rd finger using a downstroke, 5th fret of 4th string with your 1st finger using a downstroke, 7th fret of the 4th string with your 3rd finger using an upstroke, 5th fret 3rd string with your 1st finger using a downstroke, 5th fret 2nd string with your 1st finger using a downstroke, 8th fret 2nd string with your 4th using an upstroke, 5th fret of the 1st string with your 1st finger using a downstroke, 8th fret of the 1st string with your 4th finger using an upstroke.

That is the whole pattern ascending. I will spare you the lengthy explanation for the descending part of this arpeggio and cut you loose to look at the TAB for yourself. If you have questions about the fingering or picking on this arpeggio just look at the TAB. We have included finger numbers and picking indicators for this A minor 7th arpeggio shape ascending and descending. Remember the picking indicators are just recommendations. Feel free to change the picking or use a more legato approach.

Check out the arpeggio diagram for the D minor 7th arpeggio. This shape is basically an A minor arpeggio shape with the 7th degree, or C note, thrown in to complete the D minor 7th arpeggio. Work through the shape slowly and consult the TAB if you have any problems or questions.

Practice these shapes slowly until they are clear and smooth. Once you have them down try moving them to other positions. Record yourself playing back and forth between an A minor 7 and a D minor 7 chord or get a friend to play those chords for you. Try playing these new arpeggios over those chords. The next time you are soloing and a minor 7th chord pops up try using the minor 7th arpeggio that goes with that chord in your solo. Have fun guys!