The KEY to Creating Great Blues Solos (Blues Solo Guitar Lesson #1)

The KEY to Creating Great Blues Solos (Blues Solo Guitar Lesson #2)

Guitar Lessons For Beginners

Last week I taught you the first step in playing a blues solo, the 12 Bar Blues progression.

In the second lesson, I’m going to show you the simplest thing you can do to make your blues guitar solos sound better, regardless of your skill level: repetition.

This video will go over some quick examples of how simply adding a bit of repetition to your solos gives them more personality & substance. The more you practice this technique, the better your solos are going to sound!

(I’ve got a helpful video on the Blues scale if you’re brand new to the world of blues and blues guitar soloing right here)

Stay tuned for Lesson #3 next week where we learn the “Flavor Injector” to really add some spice to your blues solos.